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Cities and Regions
Special Topics
Cities and Regions
These pages follow the four major periods for ancient Mesoamerican history.
Formative Period (2000 BC - 100 AD)
Kaminaljuyú and the Formative Period
The Epi-Olmec and the Proto-Classic
Classic Period (100 - 900 AD)
Copán I: Museum Works
Copán II:
On Location at the Site
Bonampak' Murals
Jaina Figurines
The Petén Lowlands I
The Petén Lowlands II: Tikal and its Neighbors
The Usumacinta Valley
West of Usumacinta: Palenque and Toniná
Epi-Classic Period (800-1000 AD)
The Puuc
Chich'én Itzá
Post-Classic Period (1000 - 1521 AD)
The Caribbean Coast: Cancun
The Huasteca I: Ceramics, Jewelry, and Monuments
The Huasteca II: Monumental Sculpture
The Guatemala Highlands